Welcome to our ALL access pass. An invitation of ongoing support toward Version 2.0 of yourself. Whatever that looks and feels like for you. Members are nurtured through a sustainable model of health and healing, moving us all into the new era of wellness.
A network of incredible people and resources to lean on when you need mental, emotional and spiritual support. Access to ALL our online programs. At your pace. In your time. For you.
It’s the place to be if you want to be awesome at life.
Feeling disconnected and isolated? Craving a deeper and embodied connection to yourself? Come into our space and retreat.
All you need inside 'The Hub' is a willingness for change, an openness to be vulnerable, and a passion for reaching your full potential…. Whatever that looks and feels like for you. (Oh, and while we do take YOU seriously, we don’t like to take life too seriously, so expect to enjoy the presence of other humans who have a healthy sense humour.)
We'll all be supporting you throughout the entire journey. Nurturing the individual, so the community can flourish.
The moment you sign up you’ll be welcomed into our private online community. Connect with a like-minded crew building on the collective passion to become the best they can be, Things are set up for a foolproof way to succeed.
And don’t forget – you’ll have your full team of qualified Naturopaths, Nutritionists, Intuitive Healers, Health & Business coaches guiding, supporting, educating and empowering you from day one.
This is the new way of wellness. All moving forward. Together.
Access all our online programs. At your pace. In your time. For you.
We're rolling out at least 6 new programs over the next 12 months. Start with The Holistic Path program and be ready to dive into new programs like: The Essential Cleanse; Applied Meditation Philosophy; Psychosomatic Meditation; Re-wiring & Finding Biorhythm; Extended Detox Principles; and so much more. All included for ongoing members.
Supported and nurtured by a team of qualified Western Health Professionals.
10+ years experience crafting & facilitating health programs.
A member looking for support, not 'spiritual entertainment' ...
"The program has been one of the best investments I have ever made. The content, the resources, the simplicity, the structure, the love and support you guys put into this is AMAZING. I truly love the way you summarise each resource and make it actionable, because otherwise it's just spiritual entertainment."
Cristina Escudero, Student of Naturopathy, Spain

Tailored membership levels to suit your health & aspirations.
A tailored portal built to smoothly deliver exclusive resources, book private sessions, connect with community, and journey with us from your home. Options for membership are designed to suit all budgets and all aspirations!
How is the program content and resources delivered?
How is this program different from any others?
Which level of membership and support is best for me?
Is it easy to upgrade if I want more support?
I can't afford to join, what should I do?!?
$27 per month
First 14 day trial for $1!
- Access to ALL online programs
- New programs rolling out monthly!
- 20 minute tailored health priority assessment
- 20 minute review and reset session
- Detox Box - home cleanse kit (digital format)
- A copy of the essential cleanse (digital format)
Sign Up Here
$147 per month
per month
All of Ignite tier inclusions +
- Quarterly 60 minute private 1:1 sessions of your choice
- Detox Box - 7 day home cleanse kit (delivered)
- Health & Supplement Pack - Exclusive practitioner only
- Live Workshop Immersion Pass - Note: This can be exchanged for an additional Supplement Pack
- The Essential Cleanse book (Hard copy, delivered)
Are you ready to let positive change flow into your life?
Seriously though, this life is not a trial. This is it. And absolutely nothing will change without some form of action!

The Natural Instinct Healing team are 100% committed to making an impact and supporting their clients to live to their full potential! They are an amazing group of health professionals with a true passion for creating healthy lifestyles.
Katherine Maslen
Naturopath, Nutritionist, Author and Founding Director of Brisbane Natural Health, Australia

This is the place to go if you want to do a serious results driven [program]. They have thought of everything and had the skill and compassion to address everything. This has been a huge turning point and awareness. I am so grateful. You are A++.
Sandy Gallagher
CEO & President at Proctor Gallagher Institute, United States of America
We're growing, learning, fu#king up, laughing, crying, and drinking the odd glass of wine right alongside you!
We are not health purists purporting 'enlightenment' through green juice & raw food.
We are highly qualified health professionals, and holistic health is our game.